Starting off. 

Hi everyone! 🙂

I never thought of taking this step beyond my comfort zone. As I started my 52-weeks gratitude challenge on Instagram, I wonder whether I could extend this challenge into a weekly log (even when I finished my challenge) and I decided to give it a try.

What if I wake up tomorrow losing everything? Except the things I am thankful of before bed today.

Skies that are always crystal clear doesn’t mean that it won’t rain.

This question always pops into my mind, but I still don’t have an answer for it. Perhaps continuing on my journey will lead me to the place that I am supposed to be.

Just a big picture and quick insight about my blog posts in the future and myself. This is basically another place to encourage and spread the good vibes to people around me as life had always been tough and everyone around me never stop motivating me to go the extra mile, and I am doing my part to remind all of you that having faith in what you are believing right now might be like riding a bumpy roller coaster, but it is definitely a worthy effort hanging on.

I am a November baby, pursuing AUSMAT in Sunway College, Malaysia currently, and I am blessed to be a child of God. 💞💞

Do drop by my Instagram if you want to know more about me. 🙂

PS: Blog posts might take longer time update as the process of refining is kinda time-consuming.

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